Clutch testing
The fitment of an overload clutch on a PTO drive is critical to the safety and protection of you and your machinery. No matter the application; Round Baler, Rotary Hoe or Power Harrow, an incorrectly set or adjusted overload clutch can impair the performance of your clutch and cause it to trip too soon or too late resulting in lost time and production or even failure of equipment.
Our newly developed torque test rig is a solution to measuring torque values, prior to leaving the factory or after servicing, eliminating any uncertainty regarding torque settings. All our clutches are tested after assembly and now we can offer customers preventative torque checks on their overload clutches as part of our growing service to the industry.
Walterscheid have the facilities to accurately test and set your clutch to its optimum setting before putting it in to service, giving you reliable performance and peace of mind.